A series of thematic webinars were focused on different topics related to energy planning and energy management on the local level. These on-line meetings were an opportunity for further exchange of experience, knowledge and opinions between Polish and Norwegian self-governments and their partners. Webinars were organised once a month and were a source of many useful and inspiring information.

1st webinar, report and agenda

2nd webinar, report and agenda

Webinars proszę wstawić:


1st webinar, report and agenda (link: brak jeszcze relacji po angielsku)

2nd webinar, report and agenda (link: http://www.razemdlaklimatu.eu/en/40-2-webinarium-w-ramach-projektu-pn-polsko-norweska-platforma-wspolpracy-dla-poszanowania-energii-i-klimatu)

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Project "Polish-Norwegian cooperation platform for climate and energy conservation" is funded under the PL04 Programme of the Bilateral Cooperation Fund, which is financed from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (NMF) 2009-2014.