One of the most important tasks foreseen within the project was the development of the diagnosis of the situation of Polish and Norwegian municipalities in terms of energy efficiency and RES use. The aim of the diagnosis was to answer the question about:

  • current state of sustainable energy management in municipalities and most important aspects of the process;
  • major barriers and challenges faced by municipalities striving to achieve their local energy targets;
  • most important needs of municipalities in terms of sustainable energy planning and management;
  • Norwegian solutions that could be potentially transferred to Poland.

The Diagnostic Report is a source of valuable information which enabled efficient planning and organisation of future activities supporting Polish self-governments in implementation of successful energy initiatives. The diagnosis also helped to identify opportunities for cooperation between Polish and Norwegian municipalities - both within the umbrella project and within future projects co-financed from NFM 2015-2020.

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Project "Polish-Norwegian cooperation platform for climate and energy conservation" is funded under the PL04 Programme of the Bilateral Cooperation Fund, which is financed from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (NMF) 2009-2014.