Below we present 10 projects inspired by the Norwegian experience which won in the contest for the best ideas for innovation in the area of energy efficiency and RES use. All of them are very interesting, include innovative solutions and what is the most important - are replicable, therefore can be a source of inspiration for other Polish local self-governments. The ideas include development of EE and RES labs educating future installers, using district heat to provide cooling in office buildings, implementation of energy & water monitoring system including both public and private buildings, as well as improving energy efficiency in the waste management sector. Winning municipalities, which are Bydgoszcz, Bielsko-Biała, Lublin, Milanówek, Pałecznica, Płońsk, Raciechowice, Rumia, Sztum and Sopot, took part in the study visit in Norway and established bilateral cooperation with Norwegian partners, who help them in preparing their projects for implementation and share many useful guidelines and advices.

List of the awarded projects:

  1. Bielsko-Biała, Building of a training & research center in the field of renewable energy sources and energy-efficient construction
  2. Bydgoszcz, Clean Energy laboratories
  3. Lublin, Norwegian Climate for Lublin - rational use of energy in the Lublin's "heat island" area
  4. Milanówek, Polish-Norwegian exchange of good practice
  5. Pałecznica, Smart house in the smart village
  6. Płońsk, Towards a zero-emission city
  7. Raciechowice, Installation of heat pumps powered by photovoltaic installations in selected public buildings
  8. Rumia, Innovative system for supplying electricity, heat and cold to the part of the Rumia town
  9. Sopot, Comprehensive energy modernisation of public buildings in Sopot implemented using the ESCO scheme
  10. Sztum, Thermal modernisation of multi-family residential buildings with active engagement of the residents and the use of innovative RES installations

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Project "Polish-Norwegian cooperation platform for climate and energy conservation" is funded under the PL04 Programme of the Bilateral Cooperation Fund, which is financed from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (NMF) 2009-2014.